Traditional Counselling
Individual Therapy For Adolescents
Adolescents are often seen in individual therapy to discuss problem areas in their lives. In individual therapy for adolescents, the child sits either one-on-one with a Cambridge Psychology Centre psychologist or with the parent in the room. Whatever their needs, you’ll find that all individual therapy recommendations made for your child are chosen based on the best evidence, and performed with sensitivity and confidentiality.
How Is Individual Therapy For Adolescents Different Than
Regular Individual Therapy?
When it comes to therapy, adolescents have very unique needs. At Cambridge Psychology Centre, our clinicians begin the process by meeting with the parents and the child. For younger children, this is often in the form of play therapy (as they are more comfortable expressing themselves while engaged in play). We have a fully equipped play therapy room. It’s important for the parents to note that a decision may be made to work with the child on their own, and issues can be identified either with the adolescent alone or in consultation with their parents. Then, if individual therapy is considered appropriate, the adolescent will meet with a psychologist to discuss their problems and explore ways to cope. We make all our choices using the best evidence-based approach, all with your child’s needs in mind.